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Devoir de Synthèse 1 Anglais 3ème Sciences

          Many years ago, Jeff, now 59, had a serious accident at work that left him […]

Devoir de Synthèse 1 Anglais  3ème Sciences






Many years ago, Jeff, now 59, had a serious accident at work that left him with permanent injuries. He’s now a volunteer with Sporting Chance, a project that engages older men in the north east in activity and exercise groups, and runs regular bingo sessions.

The change that Jeff has experienced in his life as a result of volunteering is something many of the 30,000 involved with our Volunteering Matters charity have also seen. They do all kinds of volunteering in their community, from befriending elderly and isolated people or supporting families where children are at risk, to giving someone a lift to a hospital appointment. There is now broad agreement about the positive contribution volunteering can have for people’s health and wellbeing.

Volunteering helps reduce loneliness, now recognised as a serious health risk, and is one of the community-led approaches that can help improve mental health. Volunteering can help to provide people with ways out of poverty, by giving them new skills and confidence, and aid social integration.

But while the benefits of volunteering are clear, there is worrying evidence that the people who could benefit most from giving their time are precisely those least likely to be involved. There are many reasons for people not to volunteer. For older people, the barriers can include poor health, poverty, lack of skills, poor transport links, or having caring responsibilities, such as looking after grandchildren. Younger people can be deterred by feeling they don’t have the time to volunteer, or not knowing anyone else who volunteers. Many also think volunteering is just for older people with time on their hands. (Adapted)








  • Fill in the following table with reference to paragraph 1 (3 marks) :


Volunteer Project Project’s Aim
Jeff ……………………………. a- ……………………………………

b- ……………………………………


  • Mention two voluntary works that can be done by volunteers (2 marks) :


a- ……………………………………………………………………………………..

b- ……………………………………………………………………………………..


  • For of the following statements, pick out one detail from the text showing that it is false (3 marks) :


  • Only a few people think that voluntary work affects human beings in a good way.


  • Volunteering allows people to get enriched.


  • Young people do not volunteer because they think it is a hard work.



  • What do the underlined words refer to in the text (2 marks) :


a- They : (pg 2) refers to : …………………………………………………..

b- Their : (pg 3) refers to : ……….…………………………………………


  • Find a word in the text meaning nearly the same as (1 mark) : a- discouraged (pg 3) : ……………………………………………………………….


  • Give a personal justified answer to the following question (1 mark) :

As a young person, would you agree to take part in a voluntary work? Why or why not?

As a young person, I would / I wouldn’t …………………………………………………………..…

because ……………………………………………………………………………………………….


  • LANGUAGE (6 marks) :
  • Put the words between parentheses in the right Tense and / or Form (3 marks) :


Rosa Parks was a major figurehead in the Civil Rights Movement. In Montgomery, Alabama, she (refuse)………………………………………………….. to give up her seat for a white man, which

directly opposed the (segregate)…………………………………… laws of Alabama. This action

sparked a massive protest of the bus system, led in part by Parks, which resulted in buses becoming de-segregated. This would lead to Parks becoming one of the (big)

………………… political activists in the Civil Rights movement, continuing her fight for equality until her (die)…………………………………………………………… in 2005. For her devotion in Civil Rights

Movement, Parks (be)…………………………….. awarded : Spingarn Medal, Martin Luther King

Jr. Award, Academy of Achievement’s Golden Plate Award, Presidential Medal of Freedom, Congressional Gold Medal, Detroit-Windsor International Freedom Festival Freedom Award, etc. The famous activist (shape)………………………………………………………………………………………………. the world so far,

thanks to her dedication to organizing, speaking out, and demanding change.


  • Fill in the blanks with 6 words from the following box (3 marks) :



Conflict happens when two people disagree based on their own goals, values, or beliefs. Parents and teenagers inherently have many opportunities to have conflict.

Adolescence is a time when independence and………………………… influence conflict. Conflict

is what happened right before the argument. That’s what two people disagreed

……………………. before they started calling each other names. The ability for an adolescent to be able to think on his………………………………………………………… and yet have parents who have rules and

expectations sets the pair for conflict……………………………….. don’t necessarily hold the same

beliefs and values as their parents.

A common……………………………… from teens is that parents “want me to be the way they

want me to be.” In other words, many parents want a certain career, appearance or college for their teen. These parents experience varying amounts of……………………………………………………… and sometimes

anger because their children fail to live up to the parents’ expectations.




  • WRITING (12 marks) :
  • Use the following information to write the biography of Stevie Wonder (4 marks) :


Birth / Birthplace Occupation / Award Movement Works
– May 13, 1950

– Saginaw, Michigan

–  singer, composer, musician

–  2005 Stevie Wonder receive / Grammy Award for lifetime achievement.

–   prominent social activist

–   member of Songwriters and Rock and Roll halls of fame

–  1982 he and Paul McCartney produce / the No. 1 hit “Ebony and Ivory.”

–  lead / campaign to make Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday a

national holiday.











Adherence to task and content adequacy 2 marks
Lexical appropriacy and grammar accuracy 1 mark
Mechanical accuracy (punctuation, capitalization and spelling) 1 mark


  • Topic : (8 marks)

You have recently decided to give a birthday present to one of your friends. Write an e-mail to your classmates encouraging them to contribute with money so that all of you can show love and care and make a person happy.


Dear all,






























Adherence to task and content adequacy 3 marks
Lexical appropriacy and grammar accuracy 3 marks
Mechanical accuracy (punctuation, capitalization and


2 marks


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